There’s an old axiom that “leaders are born not made.” The problem with this adage, like many others that have been around for far longer than they should be, is that it’s just not true. Science says that, while leadership does have a genetic component, over 70% of total leadership skills are learned, not inherited. This means that all of us, no matter our background, have the capacity to become a better leader.
But how? The first step in understanding how to improve your own leadership skills is, of course, understanding what characteristics make somebody a good leader to begin with. That’s the question I’m going to investigate here, while helping us all to figure out what we need to work on to become better leaders in the process.
These are simply a small subset of the skills that every good leader needs to develop, but it’s a start! Check in on my upcoming posts to learn more about what makes a good leader, and the skills and attributes every leader needs to display.